Our History
Dan Geary started electrical contracting with Geary Electric Company in 1974. Geary Electric installed wiring for commercial and residential projects in Norfolk, NE. However, after completing a project at the Norfolk Airport for a Minority Contractor, in the late 70's, Dan decided to change his business model, and pursue work on airports.
With this in mind, DEG Enterprises, Inc. and DACO Construction Company, Inc. were formed by Dan and Connie Geary in 1981. DEG's first FAA NAVIADs project was completed that year at Mid Continent Airfield in Kansas City. This project was the installation of a Mark 1F Localizer.
During that time, DACO Construction Company, was a General Contractor, building homes in Norfolk, while, DEG Enterprises, was an Electrical Contractor completing NAVAID work on airports, through contracts with the Federal Aviation Administration. DEGs NAVAIDs division grew quickly and expanded services to include all fifty states, it territories and abroad.
After building homes for several years, DACO followed DEG into the airport construction business, as a Women's Business Enterprise, (WBE), doing projects as Sub-Contractor working with General Contractors, Engineers, and Municipalities.
Today, DEG and DACO are nationally recognized names in the Airport Industry, installing Runway and Taxiway Lighting, NAVAIDS, and Instrument Landing Systems on Airports for the Federal Aviation Administration, US Army Corps of Engineers, Naval Air Command, US Air Force, and many Municipalities throughout the United States, its Territories, and at US Air Facilities in other countries.
Currently DEG and DACO operate under the direction of Dan, Connie and their son Aaron
Geary, with support from their daughter Danielle Geary. The Company has always and continues to have, the experience and passion in its work, to deliver, a complete, high quality, hassle free, project, on time, that the customer, DEG/DACO and its Team can be proud of!